
“provides a safe place”

– Managing Director, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“Our firm has worked with Doug for several years and his coaching has helped several members of our team overcome obstacles and grow into outstanding leaders at our firm.  He provides a safe space for our employees to discuss challenges, formulate strategies to overcome those challenges, and hold them accountable.  Highly recommend his services!”

“miracle worker!”

– Manager, Top 100 Public Accounting Firm

“Doug is a miracle worker! I had always felt at odds with the public accounting profession, never quite feeling like it was meant for me. His tools and strategies not only helped me engage with my current work but also helped me to envision a life-long career in public accounting! I now love my job, and I can thank Doug for that!”

“ability to dig deep”

– President and CEO, $500M NFP

“Doug is a coach with an amazing ability to dig deep to help his clients understand root causes of motivations and find solutions to critical business issues.  Whether our work is around strategy, succession planning or organizational development, Doug helps me, and my team achieve clarity of purpose and provides useful exercises to help us identify creative solutions to business challenges.”

“an exceptional ally”

 – Entrepreneur and CPA, Accounting and Finance Consulting Firm

“Working with Doug has been a game-changer for me, both professionally and personally. He has worked with me across two different business experiences and been extremely valuable in both. What really sets Doug apart is how he blends personal insights with practical business strategies, which has led to some great improvements in my life and work. I’ve recommended Doug to many of my own clients because I truly believe in the impact he can have. He doesn’t take a cookie-cutter approach to coaching. He learns about eh individual and helps guide them to what success is for them.  Anyone in search of a coach who values genuine care, candid feedback, strategic thinking, and professional growth will find an exceptional ally in Doug.”

“revenue has increased 70%”

– Sole Practitioner and CPA, Accounting Firm

“Being a sole practitioner, I don’t have a ton of resources for getting good career advice or someone to bounce things off of before I make a decision. Doug has helped increase my confidence and pushed me when I’ve needed to be pushed to keep focused on the growth and strategy of my business. Since working with Doug, my revenue has increased 70% over last year.”

“better in both my professional career and in my personal life”

– Former Public Accountant, now Director of Operations, Tech

“Doug is the REAL DEAL. I mean it when I say it was a privilege and honor to be mentored by him. Doug wants the best for you professionally and personally. He will push you, force you to see things from different perspectives, force you to see yourself in new ways, create action items, and hold you accountable. He has the life experiences, career skills, and the charismatic personality to get the job done. He’s pushed me to become better in both my professional career and in my personal life. If you are ready to take a hold of your life and turn ideas into action, Doug is your guy. He is and will always be a trusted mentor and friend. I would highly recommend Doug to anyone looking to develop themselves, their teams, and/or their business.”

“accelerated my growth”

– Accounting Operations Manager, NFP

“From when I began to today, I have developed into a leader I always thought was unattainable. I am confident, outspoken (for me public speaking was a huge fear) and I have developed into a leader I am proud of. Having the opportunity to talk through any challenges I face and to have not only a listening ear but someone who provided meaningful insight has accelerated my growth. Doug takes a very holistic approach to each situation I bring up during our one on ones and consistently challenges me. I think we all experience leadership fatigue and being stuck in a rut at some point in our career. If you are ready to shake things up and to breathe new life in your journey don’t hesitate to use Doug.“

“overwhelmed at the thought of leaving”

– Former Public Accountant, now Multi-Family Office CPA

“I was referred to Doug at a crossroads in my career feeling overwhelmed at the thought of leaving everything I knew in my professional life and fearful of what my future professional career would hold if I chose to leave. In our first meeting, I felt very safe to unload the inner conflict I’d been fighting for years. Doug had an amazing way of asking questions, dissecting my answers, giving me time to sit in my thoughts, and ultimately helping me navigate what would be the best decision for me in both my personal and professional life. I am forever indebted to him for his guidance and expertise. He has a true gift.”

“profound changes to my practice and career”

– Owner and CPA, Accounting Firm

“In the two years I have worked with Doug, he has challenged me to look at situations very differently.  This has led to significantly positive and profound changes to my practice and my career.  I wouldn’t be where I am today with Doug’s assistance and guidance.  Doug won’t provide answers, but will challenge you to find them, and guide you along the way.  Every professional would benefit in a relationship with Doug.”

“big career leap”

– Former Public Accountant, now Construction Industry CFO

“Doug helped me navigate a big career leap. He holds me accountable to me, pursuing lofty goals with continual recalibration to all facets of my life – spouse, children, and self-care. I sincerely appreciate the coaching relationship and find it extremely valuable.”

“His only agenda was me.”

– Manager, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“I was skeptical when my firm “offered” me coaching to improve myself.  Douglas Slaybaugh turned out to be an unassuming guy, that wanted to talk about my life to see if “I” thought there were some areas we could improve on.  His only agenda was me. Whether at work or home, he genuinely wanted to help me improve.  His guidance impacted both my work and home life to such a great degree in the past year, that my wife said for the first time ever “this tax season didn’t seem so bad.”  I can only imagine how much better it must have seemed to my coworkers and clients.”

“positioning me for success”

– Director, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“Doug is a genuine coach who understands people. Previously, my coaches were simply senior to me, having advanced by mastering strategies that worked for them. Doug, however, focuses on positioning me for success based on my strengths. Instead of telling me what to do, he asks questions that guide me along my path to success.”

“starting my dream job”

– Partner, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“If you did not receive the proper career coaching in college, working with Doug will be a true gift. He coached me through a job change at the midpoint of my career, taking me every step of the way, from daydreaming about what I really wanted to do “someday”, to starting my dream job. He continues to coach me months into the new job, only to ensure things are starting off on the right foot. This really speaks to his expertise and compassion, not only as a career coach, but as a life coach as well. The process took less than a year because Doug is focused on results. I am so lucky to have come across his name in the Journal of Accountancy!”

“a better partner, boss, and quite frankly a better person”

– Director, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“The work we have done together has been nothing short of phenomenal and I don’t say that lightly.  In particular, I have benefited from your experience in the accounting profession which has allowed you to not only provide an empathic ear, when necessary, but also a healthy dose of preventing me from making excuses. As my role has evolved from doing the work, to managing the work, to now leading – the challenges and skills needed to execute well at that level have changed dramatically.  I appreciate your keen ability to listen well and give that right amount of push to go outside my comfort zone.  As a result, I feel my confidence, calm, ability to hold people accountable, and decision making have steadily improved with each session.  I feel I have become a better partner, boss and quite frankly a better person, and for that I am truly grateful for our working together.”

“helped me find answers within myself”

– Partner, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“Doug is a career differentiator. We worked together during a period of career confusion, and when we started, I hoped that Doug would have answers for me. Instead, Doug has helped me find answers within myself, and that has made our time together more valuable than I expected. He has been patient, listened, and challenged me when needed to find the answers to questions I needed to answer for myself. I am a CPA and have found his experience as a partner in public accounting to be an asset to our sessions because he understands the nuance and dynamics of the modern firm.”

“cares about the success of those he works with”

– Project Manager, Large Hospital

“What makes Doug stand out is how he combines being a mentor and a coach. He didn’t just hand me answers; he asked tough questions that pushed me to think and grow on my own. This approach didn’t just help me handle the day-to-day; it gave me the tools to take control of my own career growth.

Doug is incredibly passionate about coaching and genuinely cares about the success of those he works with. His genuine care and commitment were apparent in every session, making a significant difference in how I viewed my career journey.”

“a transformative experience”

– Partner, Top 100 Public Accounting Firm

“Four years ago, I desperately needed not only a coach but one with the specific experience of being a CPA, so I googled “CPA Coach” and found Doug. Thank God I did because working with Doug has been a transformative experience for me. His guidance and objective perspective have not only challenged me to push beyond my limits but also provided invaluable insights as I have discovered and navigated my own journey as a CPA in today’s difficult environment. And more importantly, working with Doug has made me a better person. I wholeheartedly recommend (and have recommended!) Doug to any CPA seeking guidance and clarity in their own career, and life.”

“analyze myself and my situation”

– Entrepreneur, Professional Services

“What I felt was most impactful was the structure and exercises of our meetings. I was in a career and life transition and was waffling about selling my business that was at the time so wrapped in my identity. The structure of the meetings and the exercises that Doug led me through allowed me to really analyze myself and my situation from an outside perspective that I had not previously had. This process was integral and was a very eye-opening experience that culminated in one of the best decisions I have made personally and professionally. Thank you, Doug!”

“find the new ideas and lines of thought”

– CEO and Owner, Manufacturing Firm 

“Insanity was once defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  Doug has an uncanny ability in helping me find the new ideas and lines of thought which live outside of my habits and limited perspectives.”

“advance toward my goals”

– Director, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“There are a lot of different aspects that come out of our work together that are impactful, but primarily, it helps me view challenges from different perspectives. Often, I get caught up in figuring out the right or wrong way to do things. Our sessions have taught me to approach situations variably, helping me in supporting my colleagues more effectively. 

The accountability! He is thorough in his coaching and assigns meaningful “homework.” By our next meeting, I always have clear action items to complete. These aren’t just additional tasks; they are essential activities, done differently or newly introduced, to help me advance toward my goals.”

“prevent burn-out”

– Vice President, Finance and Accounting, Real Estate

“Scaling a fast-growing accounting department can be challenging.  Working with Doug has shown that it is possible to both scale and set up a structure in which you are thriving.  His insight, analysis, guidance and encouragement have been essential for implementing changes that prevent burn-out and allow growth for both management and staff.”

“concrete action plan”

– Director, IT, Insurance

“I appreciate Doug’s ability to ask tough questions that identify and uncover issues and shortcomings.  Through Doug’s coaching process, a concrete action plan is developed that ultimately helps me develop as a leader and enables me to overcome challenges.”

“find the space for transformation”

Professional Coach

“Doug has a superior ability to listen. This skill creates a quiet space for clients to reflect, respond, and take action during his sessions. I feel supported in my sessions because Doug can ask specific, powerful questions. Doug’s able to craft these powerful questions by not only listening to my words but comprehending what is unsaid, felt, or conveyed in body language. This level of connection and communication allows us to reach the heart of each session’s agenda and find the space for transformation. If you are ready to connect with a coach who will truly listen, hold you accountable, and be a catalyst for powerful change, then Doug is who you are looking for.”

“would not have been attainable”

– Owner and CPA, Accounting Firm

“I am extremely grateful for Doug’s exceptional guidance, which has enabled me to establish a business that I am truly proud of. This business is making a meaningful impact in our community, and I am filled with appreciation when looking back at our journey. I strongly believe that without his support, this accomplishment would not have been attainable.”

“trusted advisor and visionary”

– CEO and Owner, Real Estate

“Our whole team always gains tremendous value from working with The CPA Coach. Doug has been a trusted advisor and visionary far beyond traditional financial guidance for our firm and myself as a CEO and Founder for over 5 years. His ability to meet you wherever you are at in the current and future needs of your business is second to none!”

“challenged the leadership group”

– President, Marketing Firm

“Highly recommend Doug for any type of professional coaching, not just CPAs. Over several years of working together, he always asked exactly the right questions that challenged the leadership group at our company to improve our strategic thinking, operations and business decisions.”

“pushes us a little beyond our comfort level”

– VP & CFO, Insurance

“I’ve worked with Doug for many years, as an executive coach for myself directly, and he’s also worked with several leaders on my team. What I enjoy most about working with Doug is his ability to get to the heart of an issue and ask the tough questions. He knows when to keep digging, and the right way to talk through an issue. Doug has been invaluable to me and my teams through a variety of situations, including: leadership transition, inter-departmental conflict, holding team members accountable, strategic brainstorming, project prioritization, and driving toward focus and clarity. Another important aspect of our relationship with Doug is the time he’s committed to understanding our culture. While he sometimes pushes us a little beyond our comfort level, he’s built such a level of trust with our people and truly understands our culture, that we’re always comfortable that his recommendations will land successfully.”

“Doug could empathize”

– AVP, Financial Reporting

“I initially reached out to Doug for assistance with professional development, but our sessions covered so much more. As a former public accountant, Doug could empathize with many of the situations I face. My sessions with Doug were insightful and shed light on the interplay between my work and personal life. We explored the power of awareness, which included focusing on aspects of my life that provide happiness and engagement. The time I spent with Doug was extremely helpful and I would absolutely refer Doug to others.”

“trip over your own truth”

– Director-in-Charge, Top 50 Public Accounting Firm

“Doug Slaybaugh is a game changer.  He has the unique ability to be firm and kind at the same time, knowing exactly what you need when you need it.  Doug has challenged my thought process and reframed situations in such a way that I was able to achieve successes I thought previously unattainable.  Doug doesn’t tell you the answer, but he guides you to trip over your own truth. 

Doug has been such a successful coach that a dozen of members of our firm have used him as a coach.   His CPA perspective is unique and he knows the industry and the idiosyncrasies that need to be navigated in public accounting.”

“a much-needed constant”

– Director of Accounting and Finance, Crypto

“Working with Doug has been a much-needed constant in my career.

  • A constant sounding board.
  • A constant advisor.
  • A constant mentor.
  • A constant source of strength.

 I’ve found myself in a number of different roles at a variety of companies. Regardless of what I’m cooking up, Doug is there every step of the way!

“I grow in self-awareness each time we meet.”

– VP of Finance & Accounting, Real Estate

“Doug’s experience, his expertise in accounting, his tremendous perspective on business generally and his extraordinary listening skills have been invaluable to me.  His talent for actively listening helps him to really understand me which, when coupled with his other attributes, allows him to guide and help me navigate issues within my company and with my team.  He has been a key to my success.  One of the many things I value about my work with Doug is his uncanny way of helping me see myself objectively, and reflect upon it, so that I grow in self-awareness each time we meet.  All of this AND he is relatable, humble, funny and FUN!  I look forward to the next 10 years of our work together!”

“helps people make meaningful, lifetime changes”

– Partner, Top 100 Public Accounting Firm

“Working with Doug Slaybaugh, the CPA Coach, has monumentally changed the trajectory of my career. Prior to working together, I had a lot of information I was taught, and had trouble applying it. Or put simply, putting the theory into practice. Doug helped me sort through the trainings and guided me to come up with practical techniques that helped me succeed. I’m happy to continue conversations with Doug as I continue to develop myself and my career. I have referred folks to Doug, and will always refer people to Doug. He helps people make meaningful, lifetime changes in themselves and those around them.”

“position you to be your best self”

– Owner, Professional Services Firm

“Doug has been an invaluable advisor throughout this journey. His coaching skills and authentic, enthusiastic support have been instrumental in my progress.

Doug’s insights and advice are not only extremely helpful but also timely and practical. Most importantly, he is not afraid to challenge me, providing the pushback I need to grow and improve. Do I always enjoy the pushback? No. But do I need it? Absolutely.

Doug won’t do the work for you, but he will position you to be your best self. With his guidance, it’s up to you to execute and achieve your goals. I couldn’t imagine this journey without Doug by my side, and I highly recommend his coaching services to anyone seeking to elevate their game.”

“unwavering belief in my potential”

– Senior Director, NFP

“One of the most impactful aspects of working with Doug is his unwavering belief in my potential. This encouragement has been a powerful motivator, pushing me to step out of my comfort zone and pursue opportunities I might have otherwise overlooked. Doug celebrates every milestone with you, no matter how small, making the journey towards your goals feel even more rewarding.
I highly recommend Doug to anyone looking for a coach who is not only knowledgeable and skilled but also deeply committed to their clients’ success. His positive energy, professionalism, and genuine care makes him an outstanding coach.

“isn’t afraid to be challenged”

– Corporate Controller, NFP

“I have been working with Douglas for almost four years now and find the time I spend with him to be invaluable.  Douglas has amazing insight and experience into the real (i.e., not textbook) world of business, corporate and board dynamics, and team dynamics and is able to integrate this with my personal goals and objectives to continually challenge me, provide me new ideas and insights, and most importantly, reframe the ways I’ve been looking at or struggling with issues in a positive and constructive manner.  This has allowed me to challenge many of my own self-limiting perceptions and bad habits and strengthen my business and personal relationships in positive ways.    

I have referred Douglas to people both inside and outside of my organization and they’ve all given me very positive feedback about their experiences.  I would highly recommend Douglas to anyone who isn’t afraid to be challenged (in a positive way) and is looking for an objective, confidential, and proven career coach.

“navigate a career change with purpose”

– CFO, Board Member, and Treasurer, Manufacturing

“The CPA Coach provided me with practical tools, impactful guidance and a “no excuses” mentality, all of which helped me to navigate a career change with purpose. Thank you, Doug!

There are two things we need to create: Where you are going and how you will get there. Together, we’ll go where you couldn’t go yourself. If you’re committed in forging a path to a worthy destination, contact me.

5800 S Nevada St, Littleton, CO 80120



C: (303) 810.5343
O: (303) 385.1262

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